Profilo Docente

Francesco Scalora

Ricercatore a tempo determinato di tipo A


(HELL-01/D Lingua e letteratura neogreca)

Francesco Scalora graduated in Classical Studies from the University of Palermo, where he received also his Master’s Degree in Byzantine, Medieval and Modern Greek Philology (2011). He holds a Ph.D. in Greek-Latin Philology and History of the Ancient Mediterranean from the University of Palermo and in Modern Greek Philology from the University of Crete (2015).

He has served
-as a Postdoctoral Researcher in Modern Greek History at the University of Athens, 2015-2018;
-as a Fellow at the Academy of Athens (K.&E. Ourani Foundation, Petrou Chari Foundation), 2017-2018;
-as a Research Collaborator at the National Hellenic Research Foundation (Institute of Historical Research - Section of Neohellenic Research), 2018-2019;
-as a Research Fellow in Modern Greek Studies at the Department of Cultural Heritage of the University of Padua, 2019-2021;
-as a Research Fellow in Philhellenism at the Center for Hellenic Studies of the Harvard University, 2021;
-as an Associate in Philhellenism at the Center for Hellenic Studies of the Harvard University, 2022.

Francesco Scalora specializes in Italian Philhellenism and he deals also with the Greek student presence in Padua and the Greek diaspora in Italy (15th-19th centuries), as well as the Italian Press and the Modern Greek Studies (19th century). He is the author of the books:

-"Sicilia e Grecia. La presenza della Grecia moderna nella cultura siciliana del XIX secolo" (ISSBI 2018);
-"Voci dall'Egeo" (Palermo University Press 2020);
-"Scolari greci all'Università di Padova. XV sec.-1570" (Cleup 2020);
-"Atene 1821-1827 nel Diario di Cesare Vitali" (ISSBI 2021);
- (ed.), "Il Risorgimento greco e l'Italia" (ISSBI 2022);
- (ed.), "Santa Maria dell'Ammiraglio - La Martorana: da fondazione normanna a parrocchia di rito greco" (ISSBI 2023).

He currently teaches Modern Greek Language and Literature at the University of Padua.


Su appuntamento, accordandosi via email con qualche anticipo.

Linee di Ricerca
-Philology and modern Greek literature
-Modern Greek translations
-Italian Philhellenism and literary Philhellenism
-Greek student presence in Padua (15th-19th centuries)
-Greek diaspora in Italy (15th-19th centuries), networks and literary production
-Greek-Albanian communities in Italy (15th-19th centuries), networks and literary production
-Modern Greek identity, history of ideas and cultural transfers (15th-19th centuries)
-Italian Press and the Modern Greek Studies (19th century)
-Travelogues in Greece - Travellers' views (18th-19th centuries)
-Change of place-names in Italy and in Greece (19th century)
-Italian Occupation of Dodecanese Islands (1912-1943)

I can tutor theses on

-Philology and Modern Greek literature
-Modern Greek translations
-Italian Philhellenism and literary Philhellenism
-Greek student presence in Padua (15th-19th centuries)
-Greek diaspora in Italy (15th-19th centuries), networks and literary production
-Greek-Albanian communities in Italy (15th-19th centuries), networks and literary production
-Modern Greek identity, history of ideas and cultural transfers (15th-19th centuries)
-Italian Press and the Modern Greek Studies (19th century)
-Travelogues in Greece - Travellers' views (18th-19th centuries)
-Change of place-names in Italy and in Greece (19th century)
-Italian Occupation of Dodecanese Islands (1912-1943)

Other theses proposals related to the language, literature and culture of Modern Greece may also be suggested.

-"Falso creditum de Graeca fide". L'operazione culturale di Giovanni Cottunio [Scuola galileiana].
-Scolari greci all'Università di Padova, 1570-1600 [Lettere classiche e Storia antica].
-21 poeti greci del XXI secolo. Saggio per una Antologia [Lingue, Letterature e mediazione culturale].
-Lavagnini, Pontani e Vitti traduttori di Kavafis [Lettere]

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